Friday, January 30, 2009

Mission Statement

Every Friday night, it has been a long standing tradition in this house to taste some really good wines. Seeing how I thoroughly enjoy reading tasting notes on the various vinos that I am interested in, I thought that maybe I could contribute in my own little way by posting my tasting notes here for anyone who may be bored enough to read. Therefore starting on this night, I will be tasting 2 wines and recording my notes here. Now, even though the title of this blog seems to focus on Fridays (because we usually go through a few bottles), I do plan on posting when I taste on other nights as well. I will not post notes on duplicate wines unless they are separate vintages.
I will also be tasting wines that I will probably already like so many will have a decent, if not high score. So the point of this blog is not to just taste everything out there; rather, to offer notes on wines that I have enjoyed in the past or ones I buy that was either a recommendation from my local wine merchant (Anytime Wines in Cary, NC) or one that I may have just bought on a whim. 
The majority of the wines offered here will be reds. I do like whites but drink them far more seldom than the reds.
Now this is important... I need to preface a few things. I am no Robert Parker nor do I pretend to be. However, I do feel that I have a relatively sharp nose/palette so maybe those of you needing a good recommendation on a little-known wine can maybe benefit from this. I am also doing this simply for me since keeping hard copies of notes is relatively impossible with 1) the lack of discipline that keeping a journal requires; 2) the inevitable illegibility that wine-stained pages produce; and 3) a very large Bernese Mountain Dog pup names Moses and his insatiable appetite for any paper object (or other) that I seem to cherish and love. Digital is the way to go for my photography so why not for my wine notes.
So lone reader (if I am lucky), I will begin a little later tonight and be tasting two very special wines for me... I mean you.... I mean US!!!! Comments encouraged.

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